Kenneth Drake
Kenneth Drake was an early exponent of playing music of the classic period on pianos of that era, pursuing this in recitals and workshops for colleges and universities, local, state and national MTNA meetings, and series devoted to historical instruments, such as the Cambridge Early Music Society and the Michigan Mozart Festival. Teachers in the northern Illinois area regularly bring students to his home to see and play early pianos, among which are a copy of an Anton Walter fortepiano from c. 1800 and English Broadwoods from 1806, 1816 (the same model given to Beethoven in 1818), and 1860 (closely resembling the piano provided Chopin for his visit to England in 1848). A graduate of the Eastman School of Music and the University of Illinois, he held teaching positions in Evansville College, Drake University and the University of Illinois from which he retired as professor emeritus. He is the author of The Beethoven Sonatas as He Played and Taught Them and The Beethoven Sonatas and the Creative Experience, published by Indiana University Press.

Jun-Hee Han
Jun-Hee Han is a pianist, conductor and writer. As a traditional pianist he has become an active performer on period pianos, including participation in the 2018 conference of the Historic Keyboard Association of North America using an 1816 Broadwood piano identical to the piano given to Beethoven by the London firm in 1818. He has conducted Mozart concertos from the fortepiano in visits to Judson University in Illinois, Bob Jones University and Presbyterian College in South Carolina, Weber State University (Utah) and the University of Utah. During the summers of 2014 and 2015 he conducted college student orchestras in concerts of Beethoven and Mozart in five cities in northern Illinois.
Mr. Han has taught and lectured in summer sessions in the University of South Alabama, the Blue Lake summer camp in Michigan, and a week-long residency at the University of Utah. His has lectured on lessons learned from the fortepiano and on painters and paintings contemporary with Beethoven. As a writer he has contributed chapters to Thoughts for the Pilgrimage and Panorama of Imagination, published by OMF Music Resources. His doctoral dissertation is about "Performing Beethoven Piano Sonata in C minor, Op. 111
on the 1816 English Broadwood Pianoforte."
Mr. Han received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is a graduate of Indiana University and Chicago Conservatory of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University.